Lucky Red Beans and Rice

Lucky Red Beans and Rice

If you started the New Year with a bowl of Hoppin John, you’re on the right track. Those black-eyed peas – and most beans for that matter – are chock full of protein and help reduce inflammation. They’re so good for you, the Arthritis...
Wellness vs. dieting in pain management

Wellness vs. dieting in pain management

When you’re in pain, the last thing you want is for your doctor to tell you that it would get better if you just lost weight. In fact, weight is a leading reason why people in pain (and people in general) don’t go to the doctor – they don’t want to be harassed about...
Stopping migraines before they start

Stopping migraines before they start

A migraine isn’t just a bad headache; it’s a specific type of headache that comes with severe throbbing or pulsing pain on one side of the head – or sometimes both sides. Migraines are often accompanied by nausea or vomiting and they’re made worse by light or noise. A...