by Benjamin Seeman | Jul 11, 2019 | Wellness
Fibromyalgia is a poorly understood pain disorder, which makes it difficult and frustrating to treat. Fibromyalgia falls under a group of disorders known as Central Sensitization Syndromes. This means that while the pain itself is felt in the musculoskeletal system,...
by Michele Rogers | Jul 9, 2019 | Motivation
An estimated 67 million Americans are unpaid caregivers who spend about 20 hours a week taking care of a sick or disabled person – usually a child, partner or parent. Most of them (66%) are women and how much they do depends on the condition of the person they’re...
by Benjamin Seeman | Jul 9, 2019 | Wellness
As we age, we all get back pain at some point. So how do you know when it’s time to see a doctor about it? The answer is usually “right away.” Many people think that pain clinics are only for chronic pain but the truth is, if you see a doctor when your pain is acute,...
by Michele Rogers | Apr 12, 2019 | Motivation
Doctors, therapists and nutritionists can do a lot to ease your pain, but there’s only one person who can take your treatment all the way. That’s right, it’s you. As a licensed physical therapist for Integrative Pain Specialists, I work every day with patients who are...